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The student is required to satisfactorily complete all the course instructions. The student must attend all class days as required by the program. 


Students must be present on Day 1 of class or will be automatically dropped from the program unless there is a documented emergency.

Theory: A maximum of one (1) day of absence will be considered due to sickness or family emergency. Official documentation must be provided. Absence during theory days is highly discouraged. Any missed Theory time must be made up with the same theory day containing the same modules as the one missed. If any of the days 1-3 (8-hr class) or days 1-6 (4-hour class) are missed, a student may not proceed to clinical unless these federally mandated hours are completed. If no make-up is available, the student will be dropped from the program and will be required to transfer to the next available class. Fees may apply.

Example: If you missed Day 6 of theory, you must make up during a Day 6 class. 


Clinical: A maximum of one (1) day of absence will be considered due to sickness or family emergency. Official documentation must be provided. Clinical Makeup location may vary from the original clinical location. Make-up availability is limited and may require extra travel time. 


Documentation for the absence and request for makeup must be submitted within 24 hours of returning to class. One (1) Complementary make-up will be arranged for those with proper documentation. Failure to submit documentation will result to a $90 make-up fee and must be paid before a make-up can be arranged. 

Acceptable documentation: Doctor’s note, emergency room visit, urgent care visit note, return to school note, positive covid test, funeral program, immediate family’s document, or child emergency.

All documents are subject to validation and approval of the RN Program Director. Please submit to

Any additional absence will result in a fee of $150 and must be paid before a make-up plan can be made. 

A student with absence totaling to 3 is at-risk of termination from the program, without a refund. 


There are no excused absences. All hours must be made-up in order to graduate.


Absences may delay your planned graduation and testing. Please consider this before missing a class. A make-up plan may take up to 1 – 4 weeks to arrange depending on what is available. 

Limited class size, covid protocols, facility protocols, and class availability are factors in arranging your make-up. 


If the theory/ clinical make-up you need is not immediately available and you do not want to wait until the next make-up day, a special arrangement can be made with the school with an instructor fee of $250 per day. 

Tardiness: If the student is late less than 15 mins, an at-risk form will be issued. If the student is tardy several times, the student is at-risk for termination from the program. Student who is late for more than 15 mins will be sent home and marked absent. 


$250 make-up fee

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