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Covid Guide for LASA CNA Students

New update: December 27, 2021

A new Public Health Order is released and requires HCP Healthcare Personnel, (including nurse assistants and NA students) to receive boosters and be up to date with vaccinations by February 1, 2022. This revision also updates the testing requirements to require twice weekly COVID-19 testing for unvaccinated exempt HCP and booster-eligible HCP who have not yet received their booster all HCP regardless of vaccination status in an acute care or long-term care setting and requires weekly testing COVID-19 testing for unvaccinated exempt HCP and booster-eligible HCP who have not yet received their booster in other health care settings.

* Your instructor will guide you regarding the facility regulation about once or twice per week testing. 

For testing resources please refer to the announcement below. 

This order is in addition to the previous Public Health Order  dated 9/30/21 - See below.



Sept 10, 2021


Dear Students, 


As of Sept 30, 2021 – Proof of Complete COVID Vaccination is required for all Healthcare Personnel, including student and trainees, unless exempt.


Exempt for Religious and Medical reasons must submit an exempt document. 


Medical Exempt

Religious Exempt 


Clinical Sites may or may not accept exempt to vaccines. 

If you have any questions about your site. Please call the student support at 213-444-8997 ext 2


The ordinance: This AFL notifies all facilities of the August 5, 2021, Public Health Order related to mandatory vaccination for health care workers in identified healthcare settings. This AFL requires HCP to receive COVID-19 vaccination. HCP must ensure they have received either the first dose of a one-dose regimen or their second dose of a two-dose regimen no later than September 30, 2021, unless exempt


Testing: There is a mandatory requirement for testing once a week for vaccinated individuals 

And 2x per week for unvaccinated/ exempt. You can find free testing sites in your county testing website or you may go to your Primary care physician or insurance testing sites. You do not need insurance to get tested or vaccinated. (applies for lab, clinical and in-person theory)








Risks of Exposure: 


LASA has acquired the state’s permission to take action to reduce exposure to COVID-19 while in class. 

Our actions: 

  • Zoom lectures, instead of in-person

  • Lab distancing if needed for bigger class by using a block schedule

  • Video return demonstration homework to count for some hours

  • Temperature check before coming in

  • Negative Covid Test result for lab practice as well


You will be going to the clinical site which is a Skilled Nursing Facility, where the most vulnerable individuals reside. You are at risk of being exposed inside and outside of the healthcare setting. Approved face mask and faceshield must be worn at all times. We must protect others as well as we protect ourselves. 


If you have any questions please call student support at 213-444-8997 or email


Thank you, 


Susan Asiain, RN BSN

LASA Director of Nursing/ RN Program Director

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